Greece, with its gorgeous seas and fertile soil, the human body, with its ineffable lines, as well as the passion and emotion that hides behind every artistic creation, all directly inspire Arsenis and guide his hand. The worldly and the metaphysical alternate spontaneously and instantaneously, they commingle, clash and finally reconcile, in order to generously offer to the creator the material that will shape his inspiration.
Hydrogios, Orthogonia Symmetria, Isokardia, Kinisi, Perivallon, Echos, Chronos, are a few of the unique and emblematic collections which have achieved the impossible; they have tamed time and have rightfully attained the quality of being timeless. In their lines, shapes and precision, it is possible to discern, if one looks closely, the whole world.
In the magical world of creation, images, shadows, shapes, symmetries, ideas, odors and memories place themselves in the service of Arsenis, in order to breathe life into the designs which long to enter reality. Only one source, however, one that is inexhaustible and almighty, consistently constitutes the most significant inspiration of all... Your smile!